Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kereta Senja

Q : Is there any connection between this television program and the article above (television and destiny ) ?

A : Definitely yes there is

Q : How come ?

A : The people can model the artists by imitating their styles.

Q : Umm....what a nice models then (look amazed)

A : heheh....finally, that's what I call destiny ( hihih....maksaa !)


Marshmallow said...

yun, perempuan yang duduk di samping yuni pake pasmina hitam putih itu cakep banget ya? siapa sih? kayak sering lihat di majalah gitu loh, secara dia cakep kayak model kosmetik. :P

dr. Yuni Eka Anggraini said...

wkkk..kosmetik kaki lima ya kak :P

Kusemat cinta berbalut doa di kedalaman samudera hati orang - orang terkasih.......