Back to the time when I spent all the days with my children before departing to this continent for the second chance. She, a 5 yo girl, a gorgeous one, is my first sun who wrote the words, unclear but touching. She explained it to me clearly when I asked her the words she wrote down on a colourful paper : umi jangan pulang ke ostrali. She didn't want her mother came back to Australia. Deep down inside, I feel the same dear...
Spending my whole life time with you, my family, is a true heaven on this temporary world. I wish I didn't miss every single moment that is created upon tears and laughs, but I couldn't *sigh*
I promise my self, I won't leave you for this long time again.
Look at her creative handwriting and similar story : here
I miss you all ..(aisyah, hafshoh, mas..)