Back to the time when I spent all the days with my children before departing to this continent for the second chance. She, a 5 yo girl, a gorgeous one, is my first sun who wrote the words, unclear but touching. She explained it to me clearly when I asked her the words she wrote down on a colourful paper : umi jangan pulang ke ostrali. She didn't want her mother came back to Australia. Deep down inside, I feel the same dear...
Spending my whole life time with you, my family, is a true heaven on this temporary world. I wish I didn't miss every single moment that is created upon tears and laughs, but I couldn't *sigh*
I promise my self, I won't leave you for this long time again.
Look at her creative handwriting and similar story : here
I miss you all ..(aisyah, hafshoh, mas..)
memang sedih berpisah dengan keluarga tercinta.
tapi semangat ya, ummi.
jangan terlarut dalam kesedihan.
kan ada kita, your other family in sydney.
subhanAllah....sedih juga mendengarnya mba...inshaAllah semua untuk yang terbaik...
sulit memang hidup terpisah... ga ada keinginan untuk membawa mereka ke oz?
semangat ya, ummi temennya uni,
memang sedih kalo jauh dari keluarga yang dicintai,
ditambah lagi harus menderita dengan gangguan-gangguan uni marshmallow tiap hari,
tabahkan hati ya ummi temennya uni....
assalamu'aliakum, hehehe..., tebak ini siapa ?^_^
di Add ya mbak, link aku yang ini.
tetap smangat ya ummi!!
by: Qanaah
Jadi, inget..waktu ibuku tugas ke Padang...cuma beberapa bulan..tapi kami, anak2nya, selalu kangen...
Padahal Padang-Pekanbaru, khan, dekat, ya, mbak...he..he..
Sesama orang Pekanbaru...
salam kenal
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